FASTCheck15™ Failed Test Protocol

Your Test Failed? Don't Worry We Have Your Back!

Follow these instructions to ensure your DUWL safety by treating and retesting your water.

Failed Test Protocol

1. Do you have a Sterisil® R2A Waterline Test readily available?

a. If YES, first retest with FASTCheck15 test strip and document results here.

i. If results PASS, Shock as CFU count may be close to 500 CFU/mL. The Sterisil Straw does not have to be removed when shocking with Citrisil Shock.

ii. If results FAIL, follow the instructions to conduct the Sterisil® R2A Waterline Test and prepare the sampling.

iii. After collecting samples for the Sterisil® R2A Waterline Test, shock immediately. The Sterisil Straw does not have to be removed when shocking with Citrisil Shock. You may resume patient care after shocking is complete.

iv. A follow-up FASTCheck15™ test strip should be conducted in 1 week to ensure shock was effective.

v. Mail in your samples to the lab for R2A processing. R2A results will automatically be located in your My Solutions Center once results become available.

vi. Line cleaning with an approved DUWL cleaner is recommended. Do not use bleach. Remove Sterisil Straw when cleaning lines.

vii. Contact a Solmetex Water Specialist if continued failure occurs.

2. Log Your Results in My Solutions Center

3. Test Monthly

1. Do you have a Sterisil® R2A Waterline Test readily available?

b. If NO, retest with a FASTCheck15 test strip and document results here.

i. If results PASS, Shock as CFU count may be close to 500 CFU/mL. The Sterisil Straw does not have to be removed when shocking with Citrisil Shock.

ii. If results FAIL, shock immediately. The Sterisil Straw does not have to be removed when shocking with Citrisil Shock. You may resume patient care after shocking is complete.

iii. A follow-up FASTCheck15™ test strip should be conducted in 1 week to ensure shock was effective.

iv. A Sterisil R2A Waterline Test is recommended to determine more definite CFU count.

v. Mail in your samples to the lab for R2A processing. R2A results will automatically be located in your My Solutions Center once results become available.

vi. Line cleaning with an approved DUWL cleaner is recommended. Do not use bleach. Remove Sterisil Straw when cleaning lines.

vii. Contact a Solmetex Water Specialist if continued failure occurs.

2. Log Your Results in My Solutions Center

3. Test Monthly

The Sterisil® SafeWater Solution


Citrisil Shock

• Kills odor causing bacteria
• Non-oxidizing formula cleans dental unit waterlines and the inner surface of dental bottles.
FastCheck 15

FASTCheck15 Waterline Test

• A 15-minute in-office waterline test.
• The fastest and most affordable way to monitor water quality for bacteria.

Sterisil R2A Waterline Test

Sterisil R2A bacterial tests utilizes an EPA validated R2A plating method to grow and count HPC bacterial colonies in samples collected from dental unit waterlines.

Sterisil Straw

• Powerful waterline treatment though Silver-Ion technology.
• 20x better efficacy than iodine straws guaranteed for 365 days
• Built-in initial shock treatment


  • If no lines appear, test is invalid. Repeat testing instructions with a new test kit.
  • Make sure that each step is followed closely, and the timer is set to the exact times noted in the instructions.
  • Too much water in the vial can dilute the reagent preventing any lines from displaying.


Questions? Speak to one of our experts! Call (877) 207-1551