In-Office Waterline Test Strip
➡️ Quick, conclusive results
➡️ Easy-to-read test strip
➡️ Most affordable testing option

Instructions for Use

- Perform hand hygiene and wear disposable treatment gloves
- Flush waterlines for a minimum of 10 seconds
- Open pouch and lay pipette, vial, and test strip on a clean, flat surface
- Using a permanent marker, label vial with sample location and date

5. Collect water sample from the handpiece in a clean cup
6. Using the pipette, draw water from the collection cup
7. Place 5 (FIVE) drops of water into the vial. DO NOT FILL TO LINE.

8. Gently swirl the vial to mix reagent in the vial with the water
9. Place on a flat surface and set timer for 5 (FIVE) minutes
10. Gently swirl the vial again and ensure reagent is dissolved

11. Place the test strip in the vial with the ARROWS FACING DOWN ⬇️
12. Leave test strip in the vial and wait 10 (TEN) minutes

13. Read results and document results for each operatory in My Solutions Center customer portal for important record keeping as recommended by CDC, ADA, OSHA, and OSAP.
1 Line = PASS = below 500 CFU/mL
2 Lines = FAIL = 500 CFU/mL or above
If Fail, see “Failed Test Result Protocol” for instructions to make your water safe again.

- If no lines appear, test is invalid. Repeat testing instructions with a new test kit.
- Make sure that each step is followed closely, and the timer is set to the exact times noted in the instructions.
- Too much water in the vial can dilute the reagent preventing any lines from displaying.
Did your water test fail?
We're here to help!
1 Line = PASS
Congratulations you passed!
Click the button below to find out the next steps in your dental unit waterline safety protocol.
2 Lines = FAIL
Don't worry, we've got your back!
Click the button below to find out the next steps in your dental unit waterline safety protocol.
The Sterisil® SAFEWater Solution Protocol
Follow these simple steps for waterline success.
Ensure consistent waterline safety, compliance, and protection for your patients. Regular in-office testing, combined with proper shock protocols, will help you pass more tests, and keep your operatories up and running.

Failed a Test?
It happens.
Here's what to do:
First do this:
Shock and retest using the same method.
Failed again?
Call us. We can help: